
Why Didn’t I Get A Prescription?
Prescriptions are not always necessary. Patients often think they should receive a prescription after every consultation with their GP. However, quite often a prescription is not necessary. For example, we are often asked for antibiotics for viral infections. Our advice would be to take paracetamol and drink plenty of liquids to try and lower the temperature, rather than take antibiotics.
Antibiotics could be harmful if you take them for a sore throat which then turns out to be glandular fever. You could develop a severe skin condition as a result. Talking problems through with your GP can often help and you can treat many illnesses with home remedies.
This advice is not intended to put you off consulting your GP. We want you to continue to make appointments as normal, but the message we want to get across is: don't expect a prescription as a matter of course. There may be a more suitable alternative available for you.
How Do I Get A Repeat Prescription?
As of 1st May 2023, the prescription line will be permanently closing. We strongly encourage the use of the NHS Wales App to request your repeat prescriptions.
Request Repeat Prescription On-Line
If you wish to request prescriptions online in the future you will now have to register with the:
NHS Wales App